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JJA Inc. Celebrating 70 Years Logo

Specialty Concrete Finishes

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High-End Architectural Concrete Finishes Are Our Specialty

Joseph J. Albanese, Inc. is a leader in creating high-end architectural concrete finishes. We offer decorative finishes, including stamped concrete in a variety of colors. With our unique concrete finishes, we create finishes with the look of tile and pavers; salt finishes ideal for fountains and benches; exposed aggregate finishes that are beautiful for walkways; stenciled finishes that can mimic rocks or pebbles; and polished finishes for a trendy, modern look. 


"Whether it’s for a building, wall or walkway, we create interesting finishes in a variety of colors and textures to fit your structure’s unique design."

— Danny Andrade, Superintendent 

Project Gallery

Specialty Concrete Finishes For Virtually Any Project

Architectural Features

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Our Experience
Over the Last Three Years

380,000 linear feet Curb & Gutter

19,250 linear feet Bioswale Curb

1,625,000 square feet Flat Work

27,750 square feet Pervious

580,000 square feet City Flatwork

110,000 square feet Driveway

500,000 square feet Vehicular Driveway

300,000 square feet Slubsab

57,500 linear feet Site Walls

Early 2000s_Demolitiion.jpg

Joseph J. Albanese, Inc. delivers multi-scope capabilities from demolition and excavation to grading, paving, structure and site concrete. Through proactive and flexible coordination with general contractors and other project stakeholders, our team gets it done safely while focusing on the successful delivery of every project’s objective.  

200 Park Office Building
San Jose, California

Client: Level 10



  • Provided multi-scope capabilities, including Pump, Place and Finish, Shotcrete, Site Concrete, Grading & PavingConcrete Pumping and Virtual Construction

  • Performed Pump, Place and Finish, including mat foundation, concrete columns, slab-on metal decks, concrete pads and stairs

  • Implemented Shotcrete for perimeter retaining walls

  • Supported use of the new Speed Core system, enabling the project to be completed three months faster than traditional methods (this is only the second building in the U.S. to use this system)

  • Used a slickline system to pump and pour concrete on any floor of the     19-story building

  • Performed Site Concrete, including building hardscape, city sidewalks, curbs, gutters, decorative concrete and Grading and Paving



  • Provided a single source for multiple scopes

  • Implemented pre-construction planning to maximize success

  • Provided exceptional communication with the general contractor and owner

  • Coordinated smoothly with other subcontractors

  • Delivered safe and on-time completion



Coleman Highline Office Park 
San Jose, California

Client: Devcon Construction



  • Delivered concrete capabilities, including Demolition, Excavation, Structural Concrete, Site Concrete, Concrete Pumping, and Sawcutting and Core Drilling

  • Performed excavation of soil up to eight-feet deep and time treated nearly 200,000 square feet of building pads

  • Moved 100,000+ cubic yards of dirt on-site to create access and building pads

  • Poured 750,000+ square feet of slabs and slabs on metal deck

  • Poured and finished 60,000+ square feet of site concrete, including concrete walkways, bridges, planters and bocci court

  • Implemented city improvements, including building new streets and widening existing streets as well as constructed two+ miles of vertical curb and gutter and 145,000 square feet of sidewalks, vehicular paving and top-cast and top-seeded architectural flatwork graded and rocked

  • Placed 12,000+ tons of asphalt concrete

  • Built new access roads to nearby Avaya Stadium so the project site could be blocked off while providing safe and efficient access to the stadium 



  • Provided a single source for multiple capabilities 

  • Delivered exceptional communication with the general contractor 

  • Provided solid coordination with other subcontractors 

  • Ensured that the equipment was on-site and on-time despite weather issues 

  • Helped keep the site accessible and operational throughout the seasons

  • Stayed on schedule for both early and on-time completion of various phases 

Mathilda Commons
Sunnyvale, California

Client: Level 10 Construction  





  • Provided a single source for multiple scopes

  • Implemented pre-construction planning to maximize success

  • Provided exceptional communication with the general contractor and owner

  • Coordinated smoothly with other subcontractors

  • Delivered safe and on-time completion




BMR Emeryville Office Complex
Emeryville, California

Client: Hathaway Dinwiddie 



  • Performed road redesign, new roadways, bike lanes and intersections

  • Executed Structural Concrete with Concrete Pumping for pump, place and finish

  • Delivered Site Concrete with high-end architectural finishes in different colors 

  • Implemented Excavation services for footings and anchor bolts 

  • Executed Shotcrete for the walls

  • Created concrete benches with specialty finishes that mimic precast but at a better value

  • Delivered high-end finished concrete at the parking garage 

  • Performed DemolitionGrading & Paving of bike paths and roads as well as all of the site concrete and striping at the Offsite property (53rd & Horton), including completing intersections



  • Performed mockups to ensure deliverables would meet client’s requirements

  • Executed successful concrete placement during cold, wet winter months

  • Exceeded expectations for high-end decorative finishes 

  • Managed road closures while maintaining traffic flow

  • Delivered capabilities on time and on budget despite weather delays 



220 Park Road Amphitheater
Burlingame, California 

Client: Devcon Construction



  • Performed mass Excavation and Grading to prep the site for concrete work

  • Implemented Site Concrete for four-foot-tall vertical retaining walls, amphitheater steps and sidewalks

  • Delivered specialty high-end concrete finishes




  • Created mock-ups to ensure client’s requirements were met

  • Coordinated plan changes for successful project flow

  • Worked closely with the Devcon team for successful project flow

  • Delivered:

    • 20,182 SF of topping slabs

    • 1,193 SF of amphitheater seat steps

    • 690 LF of over 4’ vertical walls

  • Facilitated communication across all of the on-site teams

  • Completed project within budget



Office Building Complex
Northern California





  • Safely and efficiently implemented a major retrofit while the building complex remained occupied

  • Produced shop drawings as there were no longer original blueprints for the 40-year-old buildings

  • Created form liners to enable us to match the original wall design

  • Modified existing landscape to bring in heavy equipment 

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