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China Basin Office Buildings

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Seismic Retrofit for an Iconic San Francisco Commercial Building Complex

Joseph J. Albanese, Inc. is a leader in seismic retrofit construction. Whether it’s a commercial building or a bridge, we execute retrofit construction that delivers structures that are both attractive and safe.

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Deane Hudson, Project Executive JJA

“For seismic retrofit projects, our certified shotcrete team works closely with structural engineers and architects to deliver beauty, safety and functionality.” 


— Deane Hudson, Project Executive, Joseph J. Albanese, Inc.

At Joseph J. Albanese, Inc., we are committed to getting the job done safely with relentless and deliberate execution. Our team is devoted to bringing the highest level of quality to every project we do for our clients.

China Basin Office Buildings
San Francisco, California

Client: Hathaway Dinwiddie







  • Major seismic retrofit to building while it remained occupied

  • Cast-in-place shear walls, slab on grade, slab on deck, Vapor Blast

  • Added 15-inch shotcrete to building walls in four sections, each a block long and six-stories high

  • Installed steel-frame buttresses to keep the building sturdy in case of an earthquake

  • Created an architectural finish, beveling the concrete at each window to ensure nice views

  • Created curved walls for an architecturally pleasing design

  • Provided engineering services to ensure that the seismic retrofit meets current requirements



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