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Stanford University Bridge Research Building

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Complex Office Building Project Supported by Advanced Virtual Construction

Joseph J. Albanese, Inc. is a leader in the construction of office buildings. For the new Stanford University Bridge Research Building project, a complex structural building with high-end site architectural finishes, the team successfully provided multiple capabilities from a single source.

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Cameron Ragain, Project Manager JJA

“For this extremely complex project during an unprecedented rainy year, we provided excavation, structural concrete and site concrete. Using Virtual Construction we first constructed the project virtually to ensure a smooth construction in real life.”


— Cameron Ragain, Project Manager, Joseph J. Albanese, Inc.

At Joseph J. Albanese, Inc., we are committed to getting the job done safely with relentless and deliberate execution. Our team is devoted to bringing the highest level of quality to every project we do for our clients.

Stanford University Bridge Office Park
Palo Alto, California

Client: Whiting-Turner




  • Delivered concrete capabilities, including Excavation, Structural Concrete and Site Concrete

  • Created a hybrid suspended slab-on-slab on metal deck system to connect two buildings that cohesively act as one while sharing a below-grade basement

  • Poured concrete slabs for the foundation and basement-level slabs

  • Will provide high-end architectural finishes when project is near completion



  • Provided a single source for multiple capabilities 

  • Delivered exceptional communication with the general contractor 

  • Provided solid pre-construction planning to ensure smooth execution

  • Utilized Virtual Construction to digitally build the project prior to construction

  • Employed Building Information Modeling (BIM) in the field to ensure precision

  • Delivered exceptional coordination with other subcontractors 

  • Ensured that all equipment was on-site and on-time despite weather issues 

  • Kept project on schedule through extremely rainy winter during spring months



Stanford University Bridge Office Park

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